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'OOH + Social media is the way to go'

By M4G Bureau - September 04, 2013

Monster Media is an interactive technology pioneer and designer of award-winning digital out-of-home (advertising solutions. Recently the company announced that it has acquired the assets of LocaModa, Inc., provider of leading social media and mobile platform available in the DOOH space. In a chat with Outdoor Asia, Liam Boyle, MD, Monster Media, talks about the acquisition and more…

Let's start with your acquisition of the LocaModa's platform, which we understand is a "platform-agnostic patented technology” . What exactly does this entail in terms of applications and in terms of benefits to the user (the client) ?

There are some very exciting features to the social platform that have never been activated on such a large scale in the DOOH environment: Real-Time Speed: Capable of posting content within seconds of user generation, based upon system configurations Moderating and Filtering, ensuring content is always brand safe, LocaModa is equipped with enterprise filtering and moderation tools with customizable dictionaries, allowing for brand- and event-specific filters. It also has the proven ability to pull in, filter, review and distribute over 10,000,000 messages per day
How different is it from the earlier hardware you were using?

Before the LocaModa platform, everything we were doing in the social space was completely custom build per the client, however this system has a dedicated engine where we can aggregate content from multiple sources in a fraction of the time.

Cost wise, would there be any difference to clients with the new combined platform that you offer ?

The rates are based on length of campaign and what content will be filtered.

Any new markets or segments you are looking at tapping, post the acquisition of LocaModa assets?

We're always looking to join up with the right media partners where we see an opportunity for significant growth.

Could you share some growth estimates as far as the market for social media platform in the DOOH context is concerned?

Kinetic's latest consumer research reveals  that 64% of Twitter users, and over half  of Facebook users, are very active on  the move. This has seen a fairly consistent  upwards trajectory over the past year as  smartphone penetration and functionality  continues to evolve.  This specific insight from Kinetic, gives us a strong insight into how consumers will and continue to engage with OOH networks which we're able to enhance and amplify through the social space
Any new patterns or trends you notice when it comes to brands' usage of this media?

Brands are more and more looking for enhanced ways of engaging with their target audience outside of traditional broadcast channels, and we believe by coupling our social platform with a more engaged interactive experience, we'll be able to better communicate with a more connected audience.

On an average what is the client spend on these kind of platforms?  Does this vary across geographies?

It does vary across different locations, but could range anywhere from £5,000-£15,000+ depending on the level of complexity of the activation.

What is typically the revenue model in such platforms for the various stakeholders?

Utilising the platform for a client is a one-time fee for campaign, so the model is quite simple. It can also be licensed out to media owners on a monthly basis.

 What would you say are the crucial factors for a robust growth of a social media integrated DOOH medium?

Having a robust network certainly is helpful in terms of reach and scalability, but this can also work on small networks as well. The barrier to entry is quite lot from a rate point of view, so if you have a solid media plan and would like to increase direct consumer participation, utilising a social platform like this is the way to go.

In emerging markets  like India, the DOOH medium is still grappling with various issues. What do you think can be done to address this?

The challenge is always going to be the investment into the medium from the position of the media owner first. Once the networks have been built and future proofed, creative agencies and brands will invest in alternate forms of media to better engage with their target demographic, and DOOH gives direct access to these opportunities.

Have there been instances of brands shifting completely from traditional OOH towards DOOH and further to social media platform on DOOH? What are your observations here?

Brands are using DOOH medium to add scale, frequency and engagement to their campaigns. OOH will always be a powerful medium, but DOOH will help to make better connections directly with consumers as elements of interactivity are added to the network capabilities.

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