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'OOH, one of the most preferred mediums in the state'

By M4G Bureau - March 18, 2014

Bidyut Nath, Head - Advertising & Corp. Communications- Dollar Industries Ltd tells Outdoor Asia why the OOH medium really works for the brand in Bangalore and rest of Karnataka.. .

Approach to OOH campaigns in Karnataka

The only constant factor for Dollar Industries remains'Change', be it in branding or in design. Different advertising strategies have always played an important role in creating the poster image for any brand, over the years. OOH being one of them, has always received preference from Dollar.

We leave no stones unturned when it is about adopting special approaches in branding technique. And for Karnataka the formula remains the same, keeping in view the potential market of this state and the growing competition.

For example, apart from regular billboards and dealer boards we went in for bus branding which gave us good mileage in terms of brand visibility. So in future too we will certainly explore new and innovative techniques for OOH media along with regular ones.

OOH budget for Karnataka

Approximately 7% of our total OOH budget is spent for Karnataka. This figure will certainly grow this year given the growing market here.
Other key markets in the state

Apart from Bangalore, Mysore, Udupi, Koppal, Hubli, Belgaum, Mandya and Bijapur are the key market for Dollar in Karnataka. And this year we hope with the aid of our marketing strategies we will end up grabbing the rest of market.
Preferred formats in this state- Bangalore versus rest of the state

We actually use all the outdoor formats possible to make our brand visible. But if we are talking about any particular OOH format, then it can be said that dealer boards, hoardings and wall wrapping  are doing well for this state. Also, vehicles branding such as auto and bus branding are doing the rest.

Working around clutter and other challenges in Bangalore

In spite of the fact that there is lot of clutter in the OOH media, it is still the most preferred brand promotional format. To combat the challenge of showcasing our brand properly and to reach the TG we trust on fresh and innovative advertising techniques. It remains the same for Bangalore too. Moreover, ground-breaking OOH ideas from agencies and vendors are providing huge support for brands like us to choose the precise format on this medium.

Competition is too high so finding right format of site in right price becomes a little difficult at times.
OOH performance in Rest of Karnataka in comparison with other states

 It has always been great to promote our brand in rest of Karnataka state excluding Bangalore through OOH media. Small towns and suburbs have TGs who really look for value-for-money products which remains our prime focus.  So, we have potential market there and OOH branding like banners, hoardings in remotes have always been helpful to reach out to our TG.

But, yes having said that, the challenges still remain as to how to maintain the billboards properly.

Exploring new formats/innovations in Bangalore and other urban centres in the state
Yes, in the present scenario, there are various options to strengthen your brand presence through OOH media and we are exploring all the possibilities. Other than the common one, we have been promoting through innovative cut-outs; gantries which have receive huge success. We are also enjoying mobile van promotional planning and POP brandings.

Factors that will drive higher OOH spends in Bangalore/Rest of Karnataka

Karnataka is one of the high economic growth states in the South, in terms of GSDP, especially with Bangalore being the technology hub. It has been one of the most preferred places in terms of brand positioning.

In Bangalore the mass generally go for high-end products and ours being the value for money products has strong market in suburbs and small towns of Karnataka. Therefore, we cannot but plan big for the state. OOH being one of the most potent ways to make a brand alive, we will use it fully.

Message to media owners in the state

Necessity is the mother of invention, it holds good for advertising industry be it OOH or any other medium. No prejudice will work, only innovations, new initiatives and new branding opportunity will keep both the industry and brands in business.

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