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‘Key to success in OAA 2019 contest’

By M4G Bureau - June 13, 2019

Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu, an eminent marketer with cross-industry experience, shares his experience of being on the Jury of Outdoor Advertising Awards (OAA) contest, and what to keep in mind while submitting the entries to the OAA 2019 contest

A few years back I was asked to be a part of the jury panel of the Outdoor Advertising Awards (OAA) awards. Let me candidly state that over the recent past due to proliferation of awards in categories across the board their image and credibility has been diluted. Hence, there was skepticism in my mind but on being educated about the process followed I was keen to see and experience the same first hand. Glad to share that after being part of the process there was no doubt left about the robustness of the method being followed. Have no doubt that OAA awards will go a long way in restoring the sanctity to the whole category in the coming year.

In addition to meeting an eclectic mix of marketers from diverse industries we also got exposed to some really interesting work being done in the outdoor media by different stakeholders. It was really encouraging to see that the clients, agencies and media owners are all coming forward to submit the work being done for these awards.

Within a couple of years the quality to entries has risen and I am sure that over the next few years it is going to only go up. Let me share a few “cheat codes” stakeholders should keep a few things in mind while submitting their entries:

• Innovation: This is the first and foremost thing, which will stand out in the jury’s eyes. However, one should note that “Innovation” for the sake of Innovation will not cut the ice anymore. Prospective participants should note that it should be able to make an impact for the intended audience as well. With each passing day newer technologies make it easier to get on the Innovation bandwagon but if it is not able to connect with the audience / is not easy enough to engage then it does not merit attention other than being acknowledged for the use of technology.

• RoI: I am sure that each one of us – client, agency and media owner has heard this. As a marketer I have always propagated the concept of 2Bs – BRAND and BUSINESS as the only sieve through which all marketing initiatives should be passed through. What’s the use of doing an activity if one cannot justify it under one of the two heads? Hope the point is loud and clear

• Presentation: Last but not the least, it is paramount that each and every entry is accompanied with a crisp presentation / description which articulates the brand / business KPI which the activity attempted to solve, what was the idea, KPIs which the team set out to achieve and finally the RESULTS!!!!! After all, won’t the people who are sitting to evaluate get a better perspective if these things were told in an impactful manner to them and make them appreciate the efforts put in.

There you are. Three simple!!! Things to take care of and one is all set to compete at OAA. I look forward to seeing some kick-ass work this year as well

May you all win big…..Cheers!

Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu has led integrated marketing teams across major MNCs. He has held senior positions at Nissan Motor India, Toyota Kirloskar Motor, and JCB India.


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