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‘Interactivity will make OOH even more relevant’

By Bhawana Anand - May 05, 2018

Emraan Kureshi, Founder & MD, Active Media Innovations, the firm behind many OOH innovations, talks about the innovation imperative.

Technology adoption is vitally important

We have carved a niche for ourselves by using technologies in a major way in the work we do. Global majors like Apple and Google have all invested in new technologies to be the leader in their respective space.

Professional execution of work matters

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Do Not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trial". We practice this thoroughly. Our differentiating factor is the execution of work. While many other agencies may come up with creative ideas for campaigns, what makes a difference is the execution of the idea. We pride ourselves in the way we deliver work to our clients. Our credo is: ABC -- Always Be Consistent. We have developed our expertise through the relentless effort to be consistent and the frequency of delivery of a new innovation in the market space.

Training isn’t less than a war

We swear by a spartan warrior proverb that says “he who sweats more in training bleeds less in war". Hence, we do not just invest in technology but we also invest in people who execute the work till the last mile. To ensure that there is complete focus and no disruption during the work, we have made a norm in the organisation of not attending any phone calls in the first half of the day which has definitely generated 10X productivity in our team.

Moreover, we are process-driven and have a complete blueprint of execution in place from start to finish, so the chances of error in execution are close to nil.

OOH has to transform

The whole planet is moving toward digitalisation for every communication. In fact, every brand aspires for some kind of disruption for their marketing communication. Considering the transformation phenomena of the mainline media (like print media has taken the form of e-papers, and TV data is now consumed through mobile apps), OOH needs to adorn a new avatar as well to match up to the space. Worldwide, OOH has evolved in a major way – you can make billboards respond to messages and interact with audiences through gestures or touch. Cost is not a big factor, and above that, value matters a lot.

Interaction has to be the future

The future of Indian OOH has to be the interaction of OOH with people. Digitalization isn’t merely the installation of LED billboards or LCD panels at locations like railways stations or airports.

Investing in one its kind technologies

Evolution is the name of the game, so we are also investing in technologies to innovate in OOH. We are closing in on the softwares, and soon Indian OOH will see some unprecedented works from us.







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