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How a tilt in bus shelters reaped in higher visibility

By Pray Jani - August 20, 2019

Ahmedabad based Het Graphics recommended a change in bus shelter screen angle, which led to a Rs 12 crore project drawing in better visibility and redefining the very medium

Bus shelters have always been a great medium for outdoor campaigns in Ahmedabad. But thanks to an innovation by media owning company Het Graphics, the medium seems to offer even more value to brands. All it took was a tilt in position.

Says Asit Shah, Director, Het Graphics, “It all started from a tender that was passed 4 years ago to set up media on bus shelters. I read the terms and conditions of the tender and put in a request to tilt the screens by 45 degrees for better visibility.”

The government approved the change and thus began a Rs. 12 crore project with bus shelters across Ahmedabad, designed for greater visibility. “The display itself is 20 ft. by 6 ft. It is almost as big as a hoarding.” Today many local brands are able to roll out creative campaigns on the bus shelters, making it a widely used medium for branding. With a larger media, bus shelters are able to provide a lot more opportunities than they did earlier.

Sharing the brand take on the new innovation, Chirag Diwan, Marketing Head, Jade Blue, says, “It is amazing what Het Graphics has done with the bus shelters. That tilt has made the bus shelters widely acceptable among the brands today with the visibility it offers.”

“Today, bus shelters in Ahmedabad have become a great medium for advertising because of the size and visibility they offer. The tilt focuses on the incoming traffic and people have started recognizing the bus shelters as a strong media,” adds Asit.

Another media owning company Selvel Media Services, Pvt. Ltd, owns bus shelters at a few locations in the city. But the company has not incorporated the tilt feature on their media; only Het Graphics has managed to drive profits by incorporating changes in the bus shelters in their tender.
Essentially bus shelter today drive higher footfalls, while earlier the medium manged to offer visibility only to pedestrians or passengers in buses or cabs. Following the success of this model, a new tender for bus shelters has been passed in Baroda recommending the tilted model.

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