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FMCG & Automobile categories are bigger takers for audience mapping

By Pray Jani - October 17, 2019

Expanding their audience profiling avenues, RadioLocus sees brands being enthusiast about OOH ROI

RadioLocusRadioLocusRadioLocus, a tech company into audience profiling expands its area of profiling with the altering demographics of the OOH industry. Where, the advertising ratio is increasing in controlled environments, the company is also shifting its focus with the clients spends and their advertising trends. “We are more focused on indoor media now, such as at airports, metro stations and so on. We are able to determine the profile of the audience of our clients as to, which categories of people visit more restaurants, for example, after traveling from destination A to B,” explained Harshal Vora, founder of RadioLocus.

Essentially, the FMCG brands and Automobile brands are prime clients for such data driven approach. When asked why, Harshal says, “These categories of brands are more forward thinking when it comes to adopting new technology. Moreover, they also have the budget for it. These categories are seen spending a huge amount and they are interested in assessing their ROI, which, technology such as ours is able to provide. Audience measurement is an important element in the Outdoor Advertising industry in India. Brands and agencies are becoming aware about the potential of this technology.”

Originating from here, the company is expanding to western markets where the adoption rate is much higher for such technologies. The tech solution provider is experiencing better results from the European or Western market. “However, gradually, Indian brands are picking up the use of data from past few months, to have better informed approach in executing their OOH campaigns”, sums up Harshal.

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