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'Data, tech, creativity power OOH transformation'

By Vasant Jante - June 10, 2024

Sylvain Le Borgne, Group Chief Data Officer of JCDecaux, spoke about using data to boost profits at the recent WOO global congress in Hong Kong

Sylvain Le Borgne, Group Chief Data Officer of JCDecaux

At the WOO Global Congress in Hong Kong, Sylvain Le Borgne, Group Chief Data Officer of JCDecaux, spoke about the immense potential of data and technology to elevate the OOH industry beyond the 10% market share threshold.

The OOH industry currently holds a single digit ad market share, excluding search advertising, which benefits from an inherent advantage in human productivity. Sylvain's vision is clear: to break the 10% ceiling and capitalise on the opportunities that data and technology present. The time, he asserts, is now.

Overcoming digital obstacles

Digital advertising, while dominant, is facing increasing regulatory challenges worldwide. The decline of third-party cookies and the ensuing difficulties in measurement are creating a unique opportunity for the OOH industry. JCDecaux has invested significantly in data and technology to build solutions that meet modern advertising expectations. This investment positions the industry to provide a superior level of service throughout the advertising journey.

Understanding and targeting the audience

JCDecaux's efforts have focused on deeply understanding the audience that OOH media can reach. They have developed sophisticated planning tools that leverage rich data to ensure precise targeting, reaching the right audience at the right time with the right message. The accuracy of this targeting is bolstered by joint industry committees working on standardised methodologies to understand audience movement and behaviour.

Enhancing creative impact

Creativity is at the heart of effective advertising. JCDecaux is committed to ensuring that creative content meets high standards of attention and engagement. They provide tools to help marketers assess whether their creative assets will attract the desired attention, ensuring that the brand and message are prominently visible and impactful.

Dynamic and contextual campaigns

The ability to deliver campaigns dynamically, using contextual triggers, is a significant advancement in OOH advertising. Programmatic buying has revolutionised the industry, making it easier for media buyers to plan and execute campaigns quickly. This approach not only simplifies the process but also enhances the relevance and effectiveness of campaigns by tying them to real-time context.

The power of integration

Sylvain highlighted the synergy between OOH and digital media, particularly mobile. OOH advertising drives significant engagement, often prompting consumers to interact further via their mobile devices. By planning integrated campaigns that leverage the strengths of both mediums, advertisers can amplify their reach and impact.

Building on core strengths

JCDecaux's strategy hinges on reinforcing the intrinsic strengths of OOH media: its experiential nature, premium quality, and transparency. Unlike digital ads, which are often confined to personal devices, OOH advertisements are public, verifiable, and trusted. This transparency builds trust and credibility with clients.

The role of data and tech

The integration of diverse data sources and advanced technologies has matured significantly within the industry. This capability allows for detailed geo-marketing insights and effective campaign modelling. Additionally, leveraging global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) data is poised to further lower barriers and enhance market accessibility.

The path forward

The road to surpassing a 10% market share involves continued collaboration within the industry to improve organisation, standardise methodologies, and build client trust. As brands increasingly question the real impact of digital advertising, OOH media has a prime opportunity to attract more investment by demonstrating its effectiveness and reliability.

Sylvain's presentation at the WOO Global Congress underscores a pivotal moment for the OOH industry. By harnessing the power of data and technology, the industry aims to not only meet but exceed the 10% market share goal. 


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