‘DOOH is set to compete strongly with Digital & TV’

By: Bhawana Anand

Last updated : October 16, 2020 10:30 am

Phil Hall, Joint Managing Director – Ocean Outdoor and Aimee McKay, Client Partnerships Director – Clear Channel UK cite the new strengths that DOOH bring to the table

DOOH has played a pioneering role in public messaging in the times of Covid-19. Highlighting this aspect of DOOH in a session on ‘DOOH: Critical to the Public and Advertisers’ at the DPAA Video Everywhere Summit 2020,  panellists Phil Hall, Joint Managing Director – Ocean Outdoor and Aimee McKay, Client Partnerships Director – Clear Channel UK cited the various awareness, appreciation and society welfare communications that ran on their respective inventories during national lockdowns. The discussion was moderated by Barry Frey, President & CEO, DPAA.

Aimee McKay also referred to the investments made in audience data in the recent months. “Data has been critical in the last 5-6 months to understand the changing audience behaviour. We launched our data tool which clearly established that people are spending time locally. Moreover, data has become essential to increase advertiser confidence in the medium,” she shared.

Phil Hall, Joint Managing Director – Ocean Outdoor highlighted that flexibility has been the key for the firm them to sell DOOH during pandemic, allowing advertisers to react and respond to situations more accurately. He also emphasised that DOOH has encouraged democracy with brands messaging on themes that relate to people’s diverse notions about pandemic and other crises.

Adding to this, Aimee said, “Automation is an imperative for driving agility and flexibility with rapid planning for DOOH and static inventory with best planning tools. It allows quick reaction and content push on 1000s of screens at the click of a button”.

“With quick switch on & switch off of brands at just a click and other customised solutions, DOOH has become competitive to mediums like digital and TV,” summed up Phil.




Phil Hall Ocean Outdoor Aimee McKay Clear Channel UK Barry Frey DPAA DOOH AI AR VR

First Published : October 16, 2020 9:44 am