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Dentsu Webchutney & Morning Fresh create an interactive coaster that helps you drink smarter

By Nibedita Saha - September 07, 2016

Morning Fresh in partnership with Dentsu Webchutney has designed the Bro'ster - the first-ever interactive coaster that holds your drink, helps you drink smart, and even cues in a hangover in real time!

Dentsu Webchutney came with an innovative idea for'Morning Fresh'- an alcohol detox drink to grasp the attention of patrons at clubs, pubs and other F&B establishments. Morning Fresh has partnered with Dentsu Webchutney to create a'Bro' out of the one thing that knows how you drink best: the Coaster. Already some OOH activation had made its way in pubs and bars in Bangalore.

Morning Fresh- is a safe and natural alcohol detox drink which gives you a shot at a fresh start the next morning. According to the agency, the Bro'ster is a pocket-sized entertainer with built-in load sensors that calculate your drinking data over a span of time and it throws up funny, flirty and sometimes sarcastic messages on its LCD screen, after every sip that you take.
Even it plans to use received data to set customized rewards and offers. Think cab-rides for those that drank too much, to food coupons for those who've had very little, to bottles of Morning Fresh when the Bro'ster knows you may have a hangover.   
Mitali Tandon, Co-Founder of Morning Fresh said, "At Morning Fresh we are always trying to push the envelope to create an innovative and fresh experience for our customers. As a young brand, it is important for us to find ways to engage with our audience in a meaningful and relevant way,”
She further added, "We're starting with a few pubs and bars in Bangalore, and hope to scale it to serve more patrons. Additionally, it is exciting to see the role real–time data can play in the F&B industry."

Gautam Reghunath, Senior VP, Dentsu Webchutney said, "The brand promise of Morning Fresh and the entire Bro'ster experience were a great fit. Though the Bro'ster is still in its early stages, we can't wait to explore its possibilities and develop it further. Internet of Things is an area we're experimenting with for a lot of our clients through the Dentsu Webchutney Innovation Labs. The idea is to consistently try and create new, out-there experiences that can get brands and consumers to interact”.
PG Aditiya, Creative Director (Copy) at Dentsu Webchutney said, "We wanted to ensure no one felt left out.  Alone or with your gang, the Bro'ster will surely make your night a memorable one.”


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