DTC invites bids for wall wrap rights at bus depots & terminals
If the bidders are applying for more than one Depot/Terminal, amount can be clubbed
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) under the Transport Department of Government of NCT of Delhi has invited sealed tenders as per ‘Two-Bid’ system i.e. Part-I – ‘Techno- Commercial Bid’ and Part-II ‘Price-Bid’ through e-tendering mode from the advertisers for award of advertisement rights for display of advertisements (Wall Wrap) on the boundary wall of DTC bus depots/ terminals falling under the jurisdiction of North MCD and East MCD, strictly as per the provisions/Guidelines/Specifications of MCD Outdoor Policy. The rights will be awarded for a period of 5 years.
If the bidders are applying for more than one Depot/Terminal, amount can be clubbed. For single or clubbed EMD amount, DD/Banker Cheque drawn in favour of CMD DTC payable at New Delhi, should be submitted. The completed e-Tender has to be uploaded at https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in and the E.M.D. will be received by Tender Cell, Room No. 207, 2ND Floor, DTC Head Quarters, IP Estate, New Delhi-110002 till 12.00 hours on due date and the ‘Techno- Commercial Bid’ will be opened on the same date at 14.30 hours. The dates for opening of Price-Bid will be notified later on the website.
The advertising media details are as follows: